But then it snowed

Ahh, Boston!imageI sat down to write an iamtedking.com year-in-review back in December. It was going to be great with pictures and stories and all sorts of fun stuff. My self imposed due date was December 31 so that you could see all the fantastic (mis-)adventures that I've been spinning for the previous 365 days. The idea started percolated when someone asked how many beds I'd slept in over the previous year -- I think the question curiously alluded to the objective side of things, so as to be G-rated, and not so much the personal bedroom realm of things. Or maybe my interpretation of the question was way off. At any rate, I'm guessing somewhere on the order of 100. If 2015 is any indication, I've slept in Napa, NYC, Santa Monica, Argentina, Miami, New Hampshire, and Boston so far since the calendar year has changed... and that doesn't include the two nights I've slept on planes. Economy. #Baller.Anyway, my first deadline came and went. Call it procrastination, travel, bike racing, life, or a number of other things that got in the way, but then January seemed like a good time to edit segueing perfectly to January 31 being a fine time to showcase the previous year in Ted King photojournalism, because that's my birthday!Again, the deadline came and went. Phooey.It could have been due to the Blizzard of ought-fifteen. In fact, I wasn't even supposed to be in America on my birthday, but my return trip from Tour of San Luis to America involved a snow-induced 52 hour layover in Florida, which then in turn tossed everything travel-wise in the blender. The result was a) an extended stay in los Estados Unidos b) some frigid time in New England and c) my first birthday in America in (I believe) seven or eight years, so that was glorious. It's kind of like being born on Leap Year Day, where your birthday only comes around every four years; I may have turned 32, but I'm really only like 25 in America Years. Booya.The blizzard layover also carried with it a 6am cyclocross world championship viewing party at la casa Tim Johnson and the same day, an evening trip to Boston to watch the Patriots win the Superbowl. Needless to say, their victory was super. Superbowl Sunday segued to super snowy Monday, whereupon my evening flight to Europe was delayed, so here I am in Boston pecking away at my computer explaining why there isn't an iamtedking.com photographic summary of 2014. Have I mentioned it's snowy and cold here? Maybe it's cold fingers that has me delaying this year in review...