Here ye, here ye!

The days are shorter, the foliage is peaking, the temperature is dropping, and that all can mean just one thing: the Krempels King of the Road Challenge is less than one week away!imageRegistration closes at midnight tomorrow (Tuesday the 14th) so why not do yourself the favor, beat the day-of-registration line, and wrap that up today. answers all your questions regarding the ride and is where to sign yourself on upIt is exactly that -- a ride and not a race. Three distances of 10, 30, and 62 miles, plus a kids bike rodeo and adaptive bike ride open up the day for all interests and abilities. There is a huge and radical expo with bike sponsors, friends... and yes, maple syrup from UnTapped to send you off in the morning and welcome you back. Ahh right, plus a beer garden.In order to drum up even more 4-days-to-go amplitude, we have an awesome evening planned tomorrow at La Festa Pizzeria in Dover, NH. We hope you can come out from 5:30-8pm for Slice'n'Pint (or Slices and Pints) with me, Ted, plus all my cycling friends and family. The New England cycling community is home for me and I want to have this evening with you all tomorrow. On top of great people, great food, and great beverages, there are silent auction items and giveaways from Cannondale, New Balance, Justin's, Slopeside Syrup, World Bicycle Relief, LLBean, and dozens more.I ride first and foremost for my dad. I also ride for David Krempels who took the incredible first step to start the Krempels Center. I ride for all members of the KC and their families and care givers. I ride for what the Krempels Center means to so many people touched by brain injury. I also ride cause it's wicked fun.If, by the off chance, you can't make it to the ride, I encourage you to spend just a moment of your time here to support the cause.