Dear John

I received a comment on my last KoS entry disagreeing with my take on how tall socks fit into the style spectrum. I was going to reply by just commenting exclusively to John, but I thought a full blog entry was in order.John wrote:"Tall socks?? Sorry son, you have not been in the game long enough. Tall socks are so lame. Lance et al. started this lame look but it will be a footnote in history, like the mullet.If you look like Moser you are doing well.......ok, I'm an old git, behind the times but really, the King is wrong here."So without further ado...Dear John,You disagreed with me, which I prefaced in the third paragraph of the now very well commented KoS blog was unwanted and therefore would warrant not being published as a result of this being my blog and I am the self appointed dictator thereof. Yet I still published your comment. Why? Because you did it without being a turd, so I not only thank you, but I figure this opportunity could continue the forum style banter taking place in the form of comments below.You also misused your punctuation, so I would like to make a small point of correcting that. This is in no way a personal dig on you; you see, I think I'm a pretty normal person, but I'm downright OCD when it comes to blatant incorrect punctuation. Double question marks and double exclamation points should never be used. Anything more than one bothers me. Periods should only be used one at a time or three at a time. Seven, as you used, is 2.667 x unnecessary.Also, John, you are very correct when you say the mullet will just be a footnote in history. However, it will be a long and awesome footnote full of PBR and trashy mustaches and stone washed jean shorts.I do stand by my initial comment about tall socks being considerably more stylish than short or ankle socks, however, so allow me to discuss this with you.You end by saying "the King is wrong here." Well, no I am in fact very right here. I certainly hope we can agree that style for the most part is arbitrary and subjective. However, to be considered stylish is to be the "going" or "in" or "happening" trend of the time and right now tall socks are definitely in style. Sure, there's a pre-tall socks and post-tall socks era (namely the date when they started to exist), but for the current time being, short socks look dated or lame or triathlon'esque... which, as a road cyclist myself, is therefore considered lame.To help with your case, however, I certainly don't propose we yank them up to our mid-calfs, as some people do, because that too looks stupid and is therefore asking for criticism from the KoS. For the sake of ballparking it, I'll say that your socks should be about 4-6 inches above your ankle.Your friend,Ted