Ted King

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Very Fast to Very Slow, Very Quickly

Ahh, where does time go?!

Well, in our case, it goes from Vermont to Arkansas by van, then it goes very hard to the ground resulting in a broken elbow, then to the hospital, next a swift return home to Vermont, and into the operating room and next onto the mend.

I told a friend recently that 2021 isn’t my year. It’s hard not to laugh thinking way way back in early March when I was doing the first edition of the Southeast Gravel Series race. I was in a group of about 7 dudes duking it out for the win, and in the final few hundred meters during a particularly rough, off-road section, the seat post bolts that hold my saddle into place jiggled themselves out of position enough that my saddle fell off! (Curious? Yeah, it happened.)

Other key highlights of the year — err, lowlights — are breaking my collarbone just a few weeks ahead of Unbound and now just shy of three weeks ago hitting the deck again and breaking my elbow. Two fractures in one year? Woof!

Truth be told, I’d be a fool to complain because my year has a heck of a lot more highlights than it does lowlights.

Or visits to the hospital. Fourth at Unbound in spite of my busted clavicle was pretty neat. Winning Last Best Ride when I’d ruled myself out knowing it would take climbing a five mile mountain with one of America’s best billygoats. Riding the 200 on 100 on January 1. Setting an #OKT on the Megahopper. A stunning trip to Italy. A smashing successful fundraising campaign for the 11th annual King Challenge. Aaaaand lots lots lots more because these are just a smattering of other terrific events, results, trips, and bullet points on the calendar, which all goes without having yet mentioned watching Hazel grow through her first calendar year. It’s been awesome.

While you could read these previous few paragraphs and make a summary in your mind about what’s going on in my mind, I thought I’d leave you with one final essay that I recently wrote for my friends at Ride with GPS. I think you’ll dig it and I appreciate you taking the time.