Ted King

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Hear me out: "Making Sweet Maple Syrup From Sap"

We all know the expression making lemonade from lemons. I find myself using it too frequently these days as I search for some positivity in a bitter 2021 that’s had a couple ups and more than a couple downs. So in hopes of creating a new expression that will blow everyone’s mind and boost my mood I present: Making sweet maple syrup from sap.

Sap isn’t sour like lemons. Sap, however, is just very blah as it tastes pretty much like water. However, once you put in the hard work and boil it down to maple syrup, gosh you’ve pretty much minted liquid gold. i.e. You’ve made the most of a less than spectacular situation!

Which is where I stand in my podcast game. I’m excited to have kickstarted the King of the Ride podcast which was featuring guests every 1-2 months, but we’re now back to a weekly or biweekly schedule. It might sound simple to grab someone’s attention, record the conversation, and quickly chuck it to the internet, but there’s a boatload of work that I won’t bore you with now.

So over the past six weeks I’ve hosted:

  • World Cup winning skier and perhaps America’s best shot at an Olympic gold medal at this winter’s game (which would make 50 years since his mother won an Olympic gold!), Ryan Cochran-Siegle

  • EF Education First Nippo team physician, who’s an athlete and wicked smart doctor, as we talk all aspects of healing/recovery (from a broken bone, perhaps?!)/modalities/and more, Dr. Kevin Sprouse

  • Mountain bike World Cup winner and America’s best finisher at the 2020/1 Tokyo games, Haley Batten. Let’s call a spade a spade, she’s our country’s best mountain biker these days which is so rad to watch

  • And most recently, we have retiring World Tour rider, host of his own fascinating podcast, owner of a righteous mullet and mustache, Mitch Docker. Aaaaand perhaps best yet with Mitch, we made it into a video podcast, if you care to watch us chat. It works for Joe Rogan so why not us?